Open Call: €10,000 for Cultural Heritage Institutions to Create Transformative Participatory Cultural Business Models

The RECHARGE Living Labs are dynamic spaces where ideas and solutions can be co-created, tested, and iterated by collaborating with stakeholders. The Living Lab offers methods for cultural heritage institutions, researchers, industry, communities, and government to co-design concrete solutions in real-life environments. Operating as ‘innovation zones’, Living Labs can bring together community knowledge with professional expertise for action-based projects.
RECHARGE is actively seeking six more cultural heritage institutions eager to explore and test participatory cultural business models. Your institution is encouraged to either select from the list of RECHARGE Participatory Cultural Business Models provided or, if you wish, devise your own innovative participatory cultural business model for experimentation. Just like our existing RECHARGE Living Labs, the goal is to create enduring, sustainable participatory cultural business models that benefit a diverse range of stakeholders in the cultural heritage sector. The valuable insights gained from these endeavours will be documented in publicly shared resources to guide and inspire other cultural heritage institutions on their transformative journeys.
Timelines for your application to become a Living Lab:
- Application window from 19th January 2024 to 29th Feb 2024.
- Reviewed by RECHARGE Jury between 1st March to 22nd March.
- All successful applicants will be contacted by 27th March.
- Your Living Lab Pilot starts 1 April 2024. Living Lab cycle and reporting must be completed within 12 months by 30 April 2025.
Available budget:
60k (10k for each project)
Participants will enjoy a range of benefits including one-to-one mentorship from one of three experienced cultural heritage institutions who have completed a Living Lab process. Additionally, they will have access to expert knowledge from the RECHARGE consortium, along with a comprehensive RECHARGE glossary.
Becoming a RECHARGE Living Lab:
- If your cultural heritage institution is aiming to apply for the €10,000 grant to join us as a RECHARGE Living Lab and test one of our exciting participatory cultural business models, we are here to guide you through what is needed for your submission.
- Choose Your Model: Start by picking one of our participatory cultural business models listed on the ‘Participatory Cultural Business Model tab on the RECHARGE platform, or even choose a hybrid model if you are feeling adventurous!
- Exploration: What is the challenge, product, or service that you would like to make happen? Do some research and plan out how your chosen model can work within your unique cultural heritage setting. Get a sense of the pros and cons and what you hope to achieve.
- Get the Community Involved: Your local community, partners, and stakeholders should be a part of this journey with you. Make sure your chosen project and model resonates with their needs and dreams.
- Complete the Participatory Cultural Business Model Canvas detailing the value proposition and the model you propose to follow, the key protagonists and an idea of the costs and benefits.
- Budget Wisely: Make the most of that €10,000 grant by creating a budget that clearly shows how you’ll use the funds to support your model-testing activities.
- With these steps, you’ll be well on your way to completing the application for becoming a RECHARGE Living Lab.
Any Further Questions? Contact: