Anna Borys
Financial Leader

Financial specialist and an independent accountant. Active in the field of non-governmental organizations’ finances since 2017, she has successfully implemented and accounted for numerous projects funded by public, private, and international sources. As a financial officer, she has collaborated with organizations such as the European Commission, the European Parliament, Polish Ministry of Culture and National Heritage, the National Centre for Culture, the National Institute of Museums, Foundation for the Development of the Education System, Jerzy Regulski Foundation in Support of Local Democracy, the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation, the Development Education Centre South Yorkshire, CARE International, Stichting Evens, INOVA+, The Foundation "Remembrance, Responsibility and Future," the U.S. Embassy, and the Human Rights Academy. She was a financial leader during the critical period of integrating refugee children into Polish schools through projects funded by international aid organizations, including the Norwegian Refugee Council, Plan International – a development and humanitarian organization based in New York, and Save the Children International – a London-based non-profit humanitarian organization. These projects focused on providing assistance to refugees from Ukraine. Anna is also passionate about working in small, collaborative teams built on relationships and a shared sense of mission.