Zuzanna Ciesielska‐Janik
Open Culture specialist

A cultural studies specialist, psychologist, and psychotherapist in training. She is a digital skills trainer and an expert in the fields of promotion, communication, and digital project management within cultural institutions. As a cultural researcher, animator, and psychologist, she brings a unique combination of skills and perspectives. Her primary areas of interest focus on methods and the effectiveness of making digital resources accessible to users. Over the years, she has coordinated numerous digital projects for various cultural heritage institutions, consistently prioritizing user needs. She is a co-creator of projects such as Ninateka.pl, mapadekalogu.pl, Hack(art)hon, and the MediaNummeric course. She holds degrees in cultural studies and cultural animation from the University of Warsaw, psychology from SWPS University, and cultural management from the Warsaw School of Economics. Her professional experience includes roles at the National Centre for Culture, the Theatre Institute, the National Audiovisual Institute, and the National Film Archive – Audiovisual Institute (FINA). E-mail: zciesielska@centrumcyfrowe.pl