inDICEs – social and economic impact of digitisation

Project team: Maria (Maja) Drabczyk, Aleksandra Janus, Zuzanna Ciesielska‐Janik, Konrad Gliściński, Natalia Cetera
Duration: 2020-2022
Themes: Open Culture
inDICEs aims to develop guidelines for the digital transformation of cultural and creative industries. Our goal is to enable cultural and creative industries decision makers to fully understand the social and economic impact of digitisation on cultural circulation. The project will also provide recommendations for public policies, research methodologies and tools to study areas of impact.
Centrum Cyfrowe is involved in this project in the years 2020-2022 as part of an international consortium financed by the EU Horizon 2020 program. The consortium members include the Europeana Foundation – associated with the largest European digital heritage portal, the Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision – a leading European public audiovisual archive, and Platoniq – a Spanish NGO supporting participatory methodologies. The Italian Fondazione Bruno Kessler is responsible for developing the research methodology, and the CIPIT Institute of the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven will lead the legal research. The project is coordinated by
Centrum Cyfrowe is responsible for developing recommendations for European public policies. To this end, we will analyse the value-added chains that are created in the digital single market by using the resources of public cultural institutions. We will prepare guidelines showing how changes in European law and implementation of various business models can increase the added value of the cultural heritage sector.
The heritage sector plays an important role in the development of the creative and cultural industries in Europe. It not only provides access to a huge amount of reusable cultural resources, but can be seen as a research and development laboratory for the entire cultural and creative sectors, thus contributing not only to the development of society, but also the economy. That is why we want to understand and measure the role that the cultural heritage sector can play in shaping the cultural and creative ecosystem in Europe, especially in the digital realm.
Together with our partners, we will also create tools to measure the social and economic impact of cultural heritage. We intend to provide policy makers with a solid framework to assess this impact and, through the project’s open observatory, also to track long-term developments in this area.
Apart from decision makers inDICEs also targets cultural institutions themselves, which, thanks to the tools developed in the project, will be able to assess their readiness to enter the digital single market and make strategic decisions to increase their positive impact on culture, society and economy.
inDICES is composed of 14 international partners committed to the improvement of cultural and creative industries in Europe: The Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision, Europeana Foundation, Platoniq, Istituto Centrale per il Catalogo Unico, NEMO, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Fondazione Bruno Kessler, European Fashion Heritage Association, MICHAEL Culture, webLyzard, Capital High Tech SARL, PIN SCRL, Asociatia Centrul Cultural Clujean
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 870792.