Open Education as a game changer – stories from the pandemic

The study presents examples of positive initiatives and changes in education that originated as a reaction to the closure of schools during the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 and which are part of what is known as Open Educational Practices and Open Educational Resources.

The aim of the analysis is to gather information about the most interesting and influential Open Education initiatives which could inspire and hopefully permanently revolutionize remote education systems around the world. An important objective is to initiate a discussion on the role played by Open Education during the pandemic and to provide arguments to support public policymaking.

The target group of the document is people involved in promoting policymaking in support of Open Education worldwide, representatives of international and national institutions operating in the field of education as well as representatives of Ministries of Education and educators.

I have always believed in Open Education. I think that the most important lesson is the realization of the need for the OE to become an integral part of our education system not only because access to OER helps to create engaging online classes. OE also provides a concrete vision of solving problems and facing challenges” — Lia, teacher, primary education, Greece, July 2020

„I think teachers did learn something. They did not believe in the virtual world, they only believed in face-to-face, and it seems to me that what has happened is going to change teaching. I think that if the authorities embrace this opportunity, it will offer an infinite world of possibilities” — a teacher, primary education, Uruguay, July 2020



If you have questions or you want to cooperate or contribute to our project, please contact Magda (