Open Education Cooperative – EduCoop Together | Спільнота відкритої освіти – СполЕд Разом

Project team: Katarzyna Werner-Mozolewska, Agnieszka Salamończyk

Duration: wrzesień 2022 - czerwiec 2023

Themes: Open education

The EduCoop Together project aims to support the integration and cooperation between Polish and Ukrainian teachers who work together in Polish schools in an intercultural environment.

About the project

The Open Education Cooperative for teachers from Poland and Ukraine is based on the methodology of the Open Education Cooperative – EduCoop, developed and conducted by Centrum Cyfrowe for five years. It consists of co-creating open educational resources and building a supportive community around this idea. We have already trained 3,000 educators, teachers, and librarians in this methodology.

The EduCoop Together workshops include three weekend meetings and remote work between them on an online course platform. The whole activity will take three months, from March till May 2023.

Participants will work together on creating open educational resources (OER) with a mentors’ support. During the weekend sessions, teachers will benefit from the knowledge and support of numerous experts – intercultural assistants, graphic designers, accessibility specialists, experts on modern technologies in education, etc. 

During the project, teachers will increase their digital competencies and deepen their knowledge about copyright, open licenses and the concept of Open Education. Under the supervision of mentors and experts they will learn in practice how to use and create OERs.

Project results

As a result of the project activities, 10 high-quality open educational resources will be developed by and for Polish and Ukrainian teachers working in Polish schools. The interactive materials and lesson plans intended for a multicultural group will facilitate the intercultural integration between children and youth from Ukraine and Poland.

All educational resources created during the project will be published under open licenses so that they can be easily used by a broad group of teachers and schools.

Open call

The open call for the project participants will start in December 2022.

The three on-site weekend meetings and an online course, will be held from March to May 2023.


The project is funded by The Kosciuszko Foundation

The project is co-financed by the Polish-American Freedom Foundation within the Supporting Ukraine programme, implemented by the Education for Democracy Foundation.

Ukrainina flag and text in Polish we support Ukraine

Project partner

Centralny Dom Technologiiii