Research Exceptions Study

Project team: Maria (Maja) Drabczyk, Konrad Gliściński, Katarzyna Strycharz
Duration: June 2023 - March 2024
Themes: Open education, Open Culture, Advocacy, Creative Commons, The social aspects of technology
Under the Knowledge Rights 21 Programme, Centrum Cyfrowe is running a study with two objectives:
- investigating the diversity of research exceptions currently present in European copyright laws
- assessing the practical impact that they have on efforts to support research and innovation in Europe
The study will be divided into two parts conducted in parallel between June 2023 and March 2024.
The first part of the study focuses on conducting a literature review and analysing available reports on research exceptions. This theoretical backbone will support the qualitative research carried out in the second part, which explores researchers’ practical experiences with copyright laws, including these exceptions
The final report should be delivered in March 2024.
The study is conducted by Centrum Cyfrowe in cooperation with the Future Law Lab (Jagiellonian University) and funded by Knowledge Rights 21, supported by Arcadii – a charitable fund of Lisbet Rausing and Peter Baldwin.
PART ONE: Overview of research exceptions in copyright laws across 28 European countries (EU and United Kingdom)
After reviewing the existing literature and available sources, the authors will put together a questionnaire for 28 experts from each EU country and the United Kingdom. The results will be used to write a report and create a matrix that illustrates the functioning of the research exceptions (including the private study and text and data mining [TDM] exceptions) in the analysed countries.
- Konrad Gliściński (principal researcher)
- Ewa Laskowska-Litak
- Krzysztof Siewicz
- Katarzyna Strycharz
PART TWO: Practical experiences of researchers in engaging with copyright laws, including exceptions
This part will address practical experiences with copyright laws among researchers, including exceptions. The research will also question other factors and barriers that may impact the way they conduct research and perceive copyright limitations. This effort will be limited to ten European countries.
The data gathering phase will rely on desk research, in-depth interviews (IDIs) with European researchers of various profiles and focus group interviews (FGIs).
photo: Elijah Hail / Unsplush