Conference: Converging Realms: Law, Technology, and Society in the Age of Ethical and Multi-Agent AI
For an AI-focused exchange and dialogue between policy makers, the private sector, academia and a wider civil society.

“Converging Realms: Law, Technology, and Society in the Age of Ethical and Multi-Agent AI” is an international conference that brings together scholars, practitioners, civil society and policymakers from around Europe to explore the ethical questions, practical challenges and opportunities surrounding artificial intelligence.
With a focus on navigating the complex intersections of law, technology, and their impact on the socially relevant sectors, the conference offers an interdisciplinary deep dive into the specificities of AI applications in research, culture and education, justice and privacy. It will delve into the transformative impact of AI applications on labour dynamics, skills development and ownership paradigms.
Two days in Kraków will be filled with critical discussions, knowledge sharing, and collaborative and innovative problem-solving as we shape the future of integral AI ethics, governance and its applications.
The conference is co-organised by the Future Law Lab (FLL) at the Jagiellonian University and the Centrum Cyfrowe Foundation (FCC). FLL supports research, fosters expertise, and conducts education and networking activities devoted to the intersections of law, empirical sciences and new technologies. Its mission is to help scholars and the society face the challenges arising in the dynamically evolving world. FCC is a think and do tank supporting openness and engagement in the digital world by changing the way people learn, participate in culture, use the internet and exercise their rights as internet users.
The conference will be held onsite, in English.
See more information and register on
Day 1 – September 26th
- Keynote
Henry Prakken, Artificial Intelligence and Data Science division, Utrecht University - Session 1: AI+ETHICS
Wayne Holmes, International Research Centre On Artificial Intelligence
Alek Tarkowski, Open Future
Wojciech Ciszewski, Jagiellonian University
Zofia Dzik, Center for Ethics of Technology at Humanites Institute
Moderated by: Maria Drabczyk, Centrum Cyfrowe - Session 2: AI+CULTURE
Mia Ridge, British Library
Marta Materska-Samek, Jagiellonian University
Marco Fiore, Michael Culture Association
Marcin Olender, Google
Tomasz Włodarski, Małopolski Instytut Kultury
Moderacja: Ewa Laskowska-Litak, Jagiellonian University - Session 3: AI+EDUCATION
Anna Bałdyga, Komisja Edukacji Rady Miasta Krakowa
Konrad Ciesiołkiewicz, Orange Foundation
Daniel Rząsa, Google News Initiative
Ida Schrøder, Aarhus University
Moderated by: Dawid Juszka, AGH University of Krakow - Workshops – Registration
- GDPR for active(ists) – Przemysław Pałka (UJ)
- Ethical data analysis and use: what should everyone know? – Kuba Piwowar (Centrum Cyfrowe/SWPS University)
Day 2 – September 27th
- Keynote & Roundtable: AI+CHANGING ECOSYSTEM
Katarzyna Śledziewska, Digital Economy Lab, University of Warsaw
Katarzyna Śledziewska, Digital Economy Lab, University of Warsaw
Karol Kościński, Society of Authors ZAiKS
Robert Kroplewski, Global Partnership on Artificial Intelligence
Justyna Jasiewicz, PwC
Borys Stokalski, Polska Izba Informatyki i Telekomunikacji
Moderated by: Joanna Sanetra-Szeliga, Krakow University of Economic - Panel 4: AI+RESEARCH
Maciej Maryl, Digital Humanities Centre, Polish Academy of Sciences
Maja Bogataj Jančič, Intellectual Property Institute, Knowledge Rights 21
Pamela Krzypkowska, Ministry of Digital Affairs
Maciej Piasecki, Wrocław School of Science and Technology
Konrad Gliściński, Jagiellonian University
Moderated by: Kuba Piwowar, Centrum Cyfrowe, SWPS University - Panel 5: AI+JUSTICE
Iga Bałos, ENOIK
Natalie Byrom, University College London
Marco Giacalone, Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Karolina Wilamowska, Women in Law
Moderated by: Tomasz Sroka, Jagiellonian University - Panel 6: AI+PRIVACY
Karolina Mojzesowicz, European Commission
Przemysław Pałka, Jagiellonian University
Katarzyna Szymielewicz, Panoptykon
Wojciech Wiewiórowski, European Data Protection Supervisor
Mirosław Wróblewski, Personal Data Protection Office
Sławomir Dziurzyński, Allegro
Moderated by: Dominik Lubasz, Lubasz i Wspólnicy. Kancelaria Radców Prawnych
Organisers: Jagiellonian University in Krakow, Future Law Lab, Centrum Cyfrowe Foundation
Strategic partners: Lubasz i Wspólnicy, Kancelaria Radców Prawnych
Honorary patronage of Rector of Jagiellonian University, Personal Data Protection Office
Partners: UNESCO Polish National Commission, Society of Authors ZAiKS, Allegro, Google, KnowledgeRights21
Patrons: Panoptykon Foundation, Polish Chamber of Information Technology and Telecommunications (PIIP), Polish Agency for Enterprise Development (PARP), Chamber of Digital Economy, Digital Poland Association, IAB Poland, Wolters Kluwer, NASK
Media patron: Rzeczpospolita, Dziennik Gazeta Prawna